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Applied Science in the European Universities Initiative

Several members of UASNL are partners in The European Universities Initiative, an EU initiative aimed at establishing alliances between higher education institutions from all across Europe. The alliances were launched in 2019 to deepen transnational cooperation among Higher Education Institutions.

By developing long-term structural and strategic and sustainable cooperation between the higher education institutions in the European Universities alliances, the alliances aim to improve their international competitiveness and promote European values and identity. Additionally, these alliances, and especially those with an applied nature, connect their regions, attracting and retaining talent and skills for economic transformation.

Our members are currently active in the following alliances:

Digital and Innovative Venture Science Education for Resilient and Sustainable Entrepreneurship – DIVERSE – Alliance strives to become the network of European universities that will be the European reference point for venture science. 

Participating UASNL-member: Windesheim University of Applied Sciences 

E³UDRES² Alliance
Comprised of nine HEIs wo identify themselves as Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions. 

Participating UASNL-member: Saxion University of Applied Sciences 

The European University for Academic Continuing Education (EU.ACE) is a powerful university alliance focused on the development of innovative tailored lifelong learning paths as an integral part of the Bologna system and the European Education Area, designed to respond to the demands of the 21st Century society and the labour market. 

Participating UASNL-member: Utrecht University of Applied Sciences 

A transnational alliance of professional higher education institutions committed to transforming the talents of a new generation of EU citizens into superpowers that advance the smart regional resilience of people, businesses and nature. 

Participating UASNL-member: Fontys University of Applied Sciences 

The Universities forming the KreativEU consortium agreed to the common goal of establishing a fully European University, that places the creative potential derived from Europe’s cultural heritage at the heart of its teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities. 

Participating UASNL-member: Breda University of Applied Sciences 

The PIONEER Alliance aims to shape the future of inclusive, sustainable and resilient cities providing students and lifelong learners dedicated skills in a European environment. 

Participating UASNL-member: Avans University of Applied Sciences 

RUN-EU Alliance
RUN-EU is an alliance of eight like-minded higher education institutions drawn from all regions of Europe. We were established in 2020 under the European Universities Initiative. Together, we’re creating a regional development-oriented European University that embodies the values of sustainability, multiculturalism, and inclusiveness in all its work. 

Participating UASNL-member: NHL Stenden 

STARS EU Alliance
This alliance conceives universities as essential engines of regional development and forgers of the transformative knowledge that society, industry and the productive sectors need to be able to move forward. Our purpose transcends education: we empower students and professionals to be agents of change who actively contribute to the social, economic and cultural improvement of their environment. 

Participating UASNL-member: Hanze University of Applied Sciences 

By working together across borders and building on each other’s expertise and strengths, we educate the European professionals of tomorrow: inclusive, intercultural, open-minded professionals who accelerate Europe’s shift towards climate neutrality. 

Participating UASNL-member: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences 

UP University
UP University is an alliance of 10 universities and universities of applied sciences strategically positioned in mid-sized, non-capital cities across the four corners of Europe and deeply embedded in their regional ecosystems. 

Participating UASNL-member: HAN University of Applied Sciences 

Data is the new uranium. It can be used for the better or for the worse. To successfully face the challenges, Europe needs adequate teachers, infrastructures and tools. More importantly, it needs new transnational actors capable of delivering lifelong learning in Data Sciences across fields and European cultures. This is what UNINOVIS is about. 

Participating UASNL-member:  The Hague University of Applied Sciences (associated partner) 

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