The extinction of bees threatens our biodiversity, food supply and economy; they ensure pollination of crops. A lot of research is being done, but very little in our region where the loss of biodiversity is almost the highest in the world.
Oldenburg University and VHL Leeuwarden work in collaboration with the Dutch Center for Bee Research, Ökowerk Emden and IMME Bourtanger Moor together with a unique “Citizen Science” project. Children, young people, teachers & their own bumble bee populations in the Ems-Dollard region are deployed to collect data and raise awareness. This data is uploaded by the ‘young researchers’ via the Inspektor B App. The sounds of their bumble bees are also recorded. In collaboration with students from M.A. for Pop Culture (Leeuwarden), Institut für Musik (Oldenburg) and everyone involved, a Bumblebee Rhapsody was composed that was performed simultaneously on 21 June 2018 by local orchestras. The concerts in Buitenpost, Oldenburg and Emden were connected via a satellite connection and could be followed on all locations via large screens. The local and regional population and the public of LF2018 attended this happening en masse.
Buitenpost, Oldenburg and Emden have a tourist attraction thanks to B-RAP: The Oratorio, a sculpture in which visitors are immersed in music generated by bees. The Oratorios are connected to each other via a web application.
All visitor centers are equipped with a Fenster zum Nachbarn touchscreen with microphone and camera. This allows visitors to contact each other. In this way, visitors as well as partners are permanently connected across borders. The Fenster zum Nachbarn system ensures that all spoken words are translated in real time. The system largely removes the knowledge of each other’s language as a barrier to contact.
B-RAP has created lasting cross-border cooperation in the Ems-Dollard region between research institutes, bachelor’s programs and visitor centers. B-RAP is particularly visible through a website and public activities.