Connectr Energy Innovation was recently given the green light. As one of the Connectr Energy Innovation partners, HAN will be joining forces with various parties to share knowledge and expertise on innovations in energy, test new ideas and transform those ideas into practice.
Connectr comprises an innovation program, shared facilities and a physical location at the Kleefse Waard industrial park in Arnhem: the Innovation Lab. Hybrid work-based learning environments – where learning and working integrate – are an important part of this. The building at the industrial park is currently still empty. But the student projects of the Mobility Innovation Centre and the Powerlab, as well as the HAN H2-lab, will be moving to the site in early 2022. So these work-based learning places will be located right next to companies that students can collaborate with. We can cluster ideas and innovations within Connectr, resulting in accelerated development. And we can make a stronger impact.

Practice-based research from our university of applied sciences
“Our region has a strong innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem in the area of energy. And we can effectively respond to today’s societal challenges. The strength of Connectr is that it’s not just a strategy; we actually add substance to the ecosystem. We can literally charge it. As a university of applied sciences, our practice-based research contributes to energy transition. By collaborating in Connectr, we ensure graduates are well-equipped for the work that awaits them. In short, Connectr provides innovations that allow us to accelerate energy transition,” says Rob Verhofstad, chair of the HAN Executive Board.
Human Capital Agenda
Christien Lokman, the program manager of Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE), is thrilled: “This is terrific! We’ve worked hard for years and are very happy that the Province of Gelderland supports Connectr. It allows us to make an even better contribution to the Human Capital Agenda. And educate more and better trained professionals who are equipped to work on energy transition. What’s more, we can make a valuable contribution to innovations that companies are working on with the practice-based research done in our research groups. In the coming months we’ll further develop the innovation lab and the innovation program. We look forward to working closely with various companies, regional training centers and other knowledge institutions in Connectr.”Erik Folgering, manager Research and Education at Connectr, adds: “Connectr offers an inspiring collaborative environment for education, research, commerce and government to accelerate the energy transition. In Connectr we’re working on reliable and affordable energy for a sustainable world. It’s also great we can shape the public-private partnership of our Centre of Expertise SEECE in this way.”