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XR4Human: eXtended Reality for Society

The Horizon Europe project XR4Human for Equitable, Inclusive, and Human-Centered XR, is based around the question how we can best develop and use extended reality technology to maximise benefits and minimise possible negative effects on society.

After research and peer-to-peer exchange of knowledge, insights will be made available through common guidelines, tools, ranking systems and teaching materials that make it easier for European businesses and authorities to manage XR. The project also aims to involve a wide group of stakeholders including citizens in a digital European forum for dialogue around the use of XR. Through this platform, European citizens can participate in the moral design of VR-technology.

The consortium is led by the University of South-Eastern Norway and consists of 12 partners accross Europe. Fontys UAS’ Professorship for Moral Design Strategy is in charge of work packages on ethics and moral design.

The research insights also feed back into Fontys’ curricula: The knowledge in this consortium is very helpful in using VR applications for education responsibly. Furthermore, students will be encouraged to participate directly in parts of the research activities, especially in collecting data.


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