Cybercrime & cyber resilience:
Awareness & measures for target hardening tackling money muling crimes

On 8 April 2022, UASNL-member Saxion University of Applied Sciences will organise a lecture on cybersecurity as part of the All Digital Weeks. Professor Remco Spithoven, lector at Saxion’s Social Security group, will bring the audience state-of-the-art knowledge on cyber crime in the Netherlands. In particular, we will discuss money muling.
Money muling is a type of money laundering, where a ‘money mule’ is a person who receives money from a third party in their bank account and transfers it to another one. Saxion’s research found that seven percent of high school students in the Dutch town Deventer have received requests for online money muling. Although such individual requests may seem innocent, Europol data show that more than 90% of money mule transactions are linked to cybercrime. By participating, money mules are not only victims, but also accomplices to such crimes. Cybercriminals often target young people with intellectual disabilities or low digital skills.
Saxion University of Applied Sciences approaches this topic in its full complexity. Researchers coopererate with municipalities and regional security stakeholders to figure out which actions can increase cyber resilience among citizens and entrepreneurs.
Curious to learn more?
The seminar will take place online, on Friday 8 April from 12:00 to 13:00
You can register for the seminar by sending an email to Please register on 7 April latest.