Why Do Networks Fail? And how can we reverse this process?
An approach led by The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
Monday December 11, 2023
House of Dutch Provinces
Rue de Trèves 59-91, Brussels
11:00-14:00 (including lunch)
Sign up [here]
The European Union is based on networks. We are all part of different networks. But how do they function and why do they so often fail? Networks have proven to be one of the most efficient and effective forms for generating impact and all our interactions would ultimately lead to forming, (co)creating, (co)designing and (co)developing networks. However, what recent data shows is that only less than 10% of these networks are there to thrive.
On a European level, facilitating collaboration by means of thriving consortia is one of the main ways in which impact is achieved. Strong networks are a precondition for synergies in the European knowledge ecosystem and emerge in all pillars of the Horizon program, as well as the missions and the initiatives emerging from the New European Innovation Agenda. The Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027 Analysis emphasizes the need to translate research to societal impact by means of knowledge valorisation and value creation through multi-actor approaches, where networks play a pivotal role. In anticipation of the proposal for the next European Research Framework Program, we reflect on the factors that make networks a success.
Join us this December 11th to hear more about lessons learned and results gained from different applied research projects about Sustaining Networks, which were researched and collected by different national and international stakeholders.
During the event you will be able to bring your network to the table as an example of a thriving or struggling network. And – if applicable – learn what is needed to make your network successful.
11:00 Registration and coffee
11:30 Opening
- Introduction to the Lunch Session by Professor Liliya Terzieva.
- Words of welcome by Rob van Eijkeren, Head of Office, House of the Dutch Provinces
- Words of welcome by Loes Rutten, EU Representative of UASNL
11:50 Breakout sessions:
- Systemic co-design in developing entrepreneurial ecosystems growth
- Labtalk arena – encounter fire between different interests
- Mountain View – Regain your breath and make space for overview
12.30 Plenary – results & conclusions:
Panel discussion:
- Montse Badia Serrano, DG Research & Innovation, Common Strategic Planning & Programming Service (DG RTD Unit G3)
- Wina Smeenk, Co-founder and project lead of the Expertise Network Systemic Co-design (ESC), Professor Societal Impact Design, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
- Koen Vervoort, Senior Stakeholder Strategist, ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs)
- Isabelle Vandevyvere, Living Lab Specialist, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Belgium
- Moderated by Professor Liliya Terzieva
13:15 Lunch & networking
The Hague University of Applied Sciences | Universities of Applied Sciences Netherlands | South-Holland Impact Alliance ZHIA | European Network of Living Labs | Artevelde University of Applied Sciences